Helen Sigmond Alamosa County Commissioner

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Helen Sigmond Alamosa County Commissioner

Corrupt, Hyprocritical and Ignorant

Welcome to Helen Sigmond's page of Public Accomplishments ( Misdeeds )

"Protection of Dishonest and Unethical County Employees"

Jason Todd Kelly is a dishonest, unethical attorney currently representing Alamosa County.

From 2014 through 2018, for over four years Alamosa Country Land Use Department refused to issue or even accept a permit requsting an address. This effectively prevents any property owner holding land in Alamosa County that sits off of a state or federal highway, from legally accessing their property without being forced to pay for unecessary permits in many cases.

As a community and propserity building organization, we simply wanted to develop efficient farming techniques and technologies while providing much needed food and support to the local social programs. The right to farm one's own property is guarenteed in the "Code of the West" passed by both Colorado State and Alamosa County.

Furthermore, it has been confirmed with the Alamosa Land Use Department that there are no fees required to access or farm one's own property with the exceptions of structures, fencing or industrial use cases. None of which applied to us. You can read the confirmation here. In fact, we were previously informed our plan involved strictly ( or very near ) Value Added Agriculture.

Although we have come to an understanding and made apologies with the Land Use Department once they granted our request of scheduling the policy review in public hearing and simply apologizing while admiting it was a mistake / misunderstanding. At the meeting November 2018, the Council agreed and decided to correct these inconsistencies. Despite this, Jason T. Kelly continues to knowingly assert several false claims to the County Commissioners in order to protect himself. When this was brought to their attention, Darius Allen, Michael Yohn, and Helen Sigmond apparently just blew it off. You would think after their past history with employing criminals they might take these matters more seriously?

So we then submitted a CORA request in order to provide them the proof they refused to look in to themselves. The CORA request was for log book records of in person visits, records of phone and email contacts, in addition to the emails and notes of the Commissioners during this debacle. All public record according the Colorado State regulations. We received a record of our own email contacts and in person vists only. Once again Darius Allen, Michael Yohn, and Helen Sigmond seemingly has dismissed the evidence and seriousness of the problem. One can only conclude that Alamosa County Comissioners are putting personal feelings before the good of the County. By continuing to employ Mr. Kelly without even addressing the issues demonstrates their complicity and should at the very least call in to question their judgement. Receiving advice from an unethical attorney, who is willing to lie in his official capacity, is bound to be disbarred if he were to lie in court, under oath.

Alamosa County Denies Legal Access To Property

On July 25th, 2018 this was brought to the attention of Darius Allen, Michael Yohn and Helen Sigmond. All three has simply dismissed the matter.

Alamosa County Commissioners do not engage with their constituents, contrary to false claims made by the politicians.

In fact, our experiences with both Michael Yohn and Darius Allen have been just the opposite. Both have attempted to censor dissent while speaking at the County Commissioners' meetings or by blocking our posts on Facebook. Something the Federal courts have already determined to be an infringement on the right to Freedom of Speech. You can read an article written by the ACLU on it here. You would think that a veteran, who claims to support veterans, would have a bit more concern for the rights we defended for all of the US.

As an elected official in the state of Colorado, Helen Sigmond has taken an oath to abide by and protect the laws. It is clear that she has failed at her oath.

"Thank You for Your Service!" / "We Support Our Veterans"

Helen Sigmond seems determined to hold people down by inteferrering in their lives improperly and without authority. If she is willing to discriminate against and dismiss disabled US Army veterans, while back-slapping and claiming to support the veterans, shouldn't you be asking what wouldn't Helen Sigmond fail to do to you?

"No Taxation Without Representation"

Is this hypocrisy or just more questionable values displayed by our elected officials?

Darius Allen, Michael Yohn and Helen Sigmond at the direction of Jason T. Kelly are directly responsible for costing Alamosa County and San Luis Valley countless economic investment, potential and revenue all because they believe they can legally deny a property owner the right to even access their own property, let alone farm it in accordance with County and State ordinances explicitly giving property owners the right to do just that.

Helen Sigmond is a corrupt, hypocritical, self-dealing, shady politian; Exactly the opposite of what Alamosa County and the San Luis Valley needs.

"Poverty by Design"

It should be no wonder that Alamosa County has been in decline despite one of the strongest and longest economic expansions in the history of the United States. Look no further to the elected offcials whose power continues to grow at the expense of you and your freedoms.

The first step on the path to prosperity and a strong community begins with removing the dirty politicians like the trash they are.

In response to our request for comment dated January 21st, 2019 regarding the improper denial of an address to a disabled veteran, Helen Sigmond responded simply with "It is my understaning that this matter had been resolved." while acknowledging it was infact their mistake or error. You can read the brief response in entirety here.

Our followup request on January 25, 2019 was without a reply.